Defined jawline


Neck & Chin Liposuction


Liposuction is a method of removing fat and is ideal for small localised areas such as that under the chin that can be difficult to lose with exercise and diet alone.
As with liposuction to other parts of the body, tumescent fluid containing local anaesthetic and adrenaline is injected into the area to be treated. Up to three small incisions are made to allow entry of the liposuction cannula, these are attached to suction and the fat is extracted. When complete, the entry sites are closed with a dissolvable suture.

Skin tightening can be performed at the same time using FaceTite and/or Morpheus8.


The operation can be performed in-office under local anaesthesia, or as a day procedure in an accredited hospital under general anaesthesia.


It is advised to take at least 1-2 weeks off work and social activities. External sutures will be present for the first week, and after removal the area will be a little red for another few days. The small scars will fade with time. A compression garment or compression bandage is advised for the first 3-7 days after surgery and then should be worn at nighttime for a further 2-3 weeks.
* As with all liposuction swelling will improve significantly in the first few weeks, but will not completely resolve until 3 months, Swelling will not resolve in all areas at the same time, rather it will resolve in a patchy fashion and can feel lumpy whilst this occurs.
Bruising often occurs but usually resolves within 2 weeks.


The surgical fee is $4000 - $5000 including GST. Additional fees are applicable if FaceTite or Morpheus8 is performed at the same time.
If you prefer to have the procedure in hospital under general anaesthesia, there will be additional fees to be paid to the hospital and anaesthetist.

Medicare eligibility

This surgery is considered a cosmetic procedure so Medicare and health insurance will not help to cover your costs.

Defined jawline


Neck & Chin Liposuction


Liposuction is a method of removing fat and is ideal for small localised areas such as that under the chin that can be difficult to lose with exercise and diet alone.
As with liposuction to other parts of the body, tumescent fluid containing local anaesthetic and adrenaline is injected into the area to be treated. Up to three small incisions are made to allow entry of the liposuction cannula, these are attached to suction and the fat is extracted. When complete, the entry sites are closed with a dissolvable suture.

Skin tightening can be performed at the same time using FaceTite and/or Morpheus8.


The operation can be performed in-office under local anaesthesia, or as a day procedure in an accredited hospital under general anaesthesia.


It is advised to take at least 1-2 weeks off work and social activities. External sutures will be present for the first week, and after removal the area will be a little red for another few days. The small scars will fade with time. A compression garment or compression bandage is advised for the first 3-7 days after surgery and then should be worn at nighttime for a further 2-3 weeks.
* As with all liposuction swelling will improve significantly in the first few weeks, but will not completely resolve until 3 months, Swelling will not resolve in all areas at the same time, rather it will resolve in a patchy fashion and can feel lumpy whilst this occurs.
Bruising often occurs but usually resolves within 2 weeks.


The surgical fee is $5000 icl GST. Additional fees are applicable if FaceTite or Morpheus8 is performed at the same time.
If you prefer to have the procedure in hospital under general anaesthesia, there will be additional fees to be paid to the hospital and anaesthetist.

Medicare eligibility

This surgery is considered a cosmetic procedure so Medicare and health insurance will not help to cover your costs.